Fitness Focused Rehabilitation

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Physical Therapy Kearney Missouri

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to guiding you through evidence-based training, personalized nutrition plans, and holistic wellness strategies. Whether you are an elite athlete striving for victory, a fitness enthusiast aiming for breakthroughs, or an individual seeking to revitalize your lifestyle, we are here to support and empower you. At True Health and Performance, we believe in pushing boundaries, maximizing potential, and achieving lasting results. Join us and unlock your true performance today.

✏️Schedule Your Appointment Today✏️

Don't wait any longer to take the next step toward achieving your fitness and wellness goals. Fill out the following form to schedule an appointment with our expert team at True Health and Performance . It's time to prioritize you.

Functional Fitness & Personal Training

Education and Expertise

Dr. Pete is a Crossfit Level 1 trainer with multiple years of experience in the fitness rehab space. He has performed many continuing education courses surrounding functional fitness. Coupled with a doctoral-level education, his background and deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and rehabilitation principles, you will absolutuely achieve tailored care for your fitness related goals

A physical therapists can significantly help to improve physical performance by employing their expertise in injury prevention, health-focused interventions, and a comprehensive understanding of human movement. Their high-level education equips them to provide individualized care that promotes overall well-being and maximizes an individual's physical potential.

How Physical Therapists Support Fitness Performance

As a doctor level professional specializing in physical therapy, a physical therapist plays a crucial role in preventing injuries and enhancing overall physical performance. Through their advanced education and training, physical therapists are equipped to address movement dysfunctions and musculoskeletal imbalances that may hinder an individual's performance in various activities.

Injury Prevention

Physical therapists excel in identifying potential risk factors for injuries by conducting comprehensive movement assessments and analyzing biomechanics. They then outline personalized injury prevention programs tailored to an individual's specific needs. By addressing asymmetries, weaknesses, and faulty movement patterns, physical therapists help optimize the body's resilience against potential injuries, thereby promoting long-term physical health.

Focus on Health and Movement

Physical therapists focus on improving overall health and movement patterns, working to enhance flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. By incorporating evidence-based exercise prescription and manual therapy techniques, they help individuals optimize their movement mechanics and function, which is fundamental to achieving peak physical performance.



Manual therapy sessions are designed to provide you with the ultimate approach to healing and recovery. Our skilled therapists use hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and joints, promoting pain relief, improved mobility, and faster recovery from injuries.


Looking to take your fitness to the next level? Our personalized exercise prescription service offers tailor-made workout plans designed specifically for you. Our personalized exercise prescription service offers tailor-made workout plans designed specifically for your goals, body type, and fitness level.


Our dry needling therapy sessions are expertly crafted to deliver an unparalleled approach to healing and recovery. Our highly trained therapists utilize precise insertion of filiform needles into trigger points in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and near nerves to promote pain relief, enhanced mobility, and expedited recovery from injuries.


Experience our approach to spinal manipulation and mobilization, designed to provide exceptional healing and recovery. Our team of highly skilled therapists employs precise manual techniques to manipulate and mobilize the spine, addressing issues such as joint restrictions, muscle tension, and nerve irritation. By targeting specific areas of the spine, we aim to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and facilitate faster recovery from spinal injuries and related conditions.


Are you ready to elevate your fitness to new heights?
Our team of experts takes into account your unique goals, body dynamics, and current level of fitness to design a program that is perfectly suited to challenge and transform you. Whether you are a runner preparing for your upcoming race, a high school athlete seeking improved performance, or a everyday athlete. Our movement analysis will help you
unlock the potential for a fitness journey like no other.

Fitness Programming

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level? Our expert staff will guide you through personalized workout plans, tailored to your specific goals and fitness level. Whether you're aiming to build strength, improve endurance, or enhance overall wellness, our coaches will keep you engaged and motivated.

Reliable Physical Therapy in Kearney, Liberty, and Kansas City MO

At True Health and Performance, we're proud to help our clients reach their personal goals. With over a decade of experience, our team provides personalized services to meet your needs. We prioritize our Kearney, MO community and support local health and wellness. Contact us to learn how our services can benefit you. We offer various payment options, including cash-based programs and work with most insurance companies for accessibility.

Do you need help with functional fitness? Are you struggling with hitting your daily WOD?

Call now to start your fitness focused rehab and begin your recovery process today

(816) 200-1621

  • Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Therapeutic

  • Macronutrients coaching, nutrition for chronic pain, nutrition for exercise

Additional Services Offered

  • Strength training, corrective exercise, bodybuidling

  • Pain management, exercise performance, sports performance

  • Runnning coaching, running analysis, weight lifting analysis

  • Trigger Point Dry Needling for pain management, Dry Needling with estim to boost recovery and for chronic pain

  • Use of cupping tools for pain management, sport performance, and optimized recovery

  • Excellent for sport injuries, body building isolation, post surgical recovery and sports performance

Phone number: (816) 200-1621